Six Things You Need To Do To Prepare For Giving A Deposition In Your Personal Injury Case
Depositions in personal injury cases often prove to be essential in winning a case. You need to do everything you can to give a good deposition to maximize your chances of winning.
The following are six things you should do before giving a personal injury deposition to ensure that you are prepared.
Discuss the procedure with your attorney and listen to your attorney's advice
Your number-one source on good information on giving a deposition should be your personal injury attorney. Your attorney has likely been through depositions with clients many times before and will know how to counsel you on avoiding mistakes during your deposition.
Discuss the deposition procedure with your attorney and make sure you ask your attorney any questions you have on how the procedure is going to work.
Research your case and your past medical treatment so that you can answer questions as accurately as possible
A deposition will typically involved detailed questions on the events that led to your injury as well as the medical treatment you've received for your injury.
You should be thoroughly versed on the details of your case going into a deposition to maximize the accuracy of your responses.
Know to avoid inaccuracies and disclose information unnecessarily
One of the number one things you should know going into a deposition is you want to make sure that you don't provide any inaccurate information. This could undermine your case.
Be aware that saying you don't know the exact answer to a particular question during your deposition is acceptable and preferable to giving incorrect information.
Also, be aware that you should limit the information you provide during your deposition to information that you are specifically asked for.
Be aware of what questions you're likely to be asked
When you prepare for your deposition with your attorney, your attorney should tell you what types of questions you're likely to be asked. Then, you can rehearse responding to these questions so that you minimize the chances that there will be any surprises or confusion when you're giving the deposition.
Be well rested and as calm as possible beforehand
It can be nerve wracking to give a deposition when you consider how important the task is to your case. However, it's important to avoid nervousness and to be calm going into your deposition. As long as you prepare adequately, you should not have any problems giving a deposition that will support your case.
Arrive early
Being on time for your deposition is important for a variety of reasons. First of all, it is courteous to everyone involved. Also, it will ensure that you don't feel rushed at the deposition. It's easier to stay calm and collected when you don't feel rushed or stressed out.